
Wednesdays 7 and 8 pm at Stadtteilzentrum Pankow

Tango Argentino with Libertad Esmeralda Iocco and Robert Krokowski

Libertad and Robert


Here you will find information about the Tangoabend, the next dates and our other activities at the tango and in our project space.

All Fraktalwerk Tango offers take place at the Stadtteilzentrum Pankow, Schönholzer Str. 10, 13187 Berlin, left staircase, 3rd floor, in the movement room under the roof.

Next Tangoabend

Wednesday, 22nd January 2025, 7 and 8 pm: Tango Argentino Basics with Libertad Esmeralda Iocco and Robert Krokowski. Topics 7 pm: Open embrace, weight change, walking, cross, basic step, ochos. With role changes for leaders and followers. Topics 8 pm: Turns (giros) and dancing in a small space. With role changes for leaders and dancers.

Next Tango Salon Practica:

Monday, 03rd February 2025, 20:00: We are currently only playing tango tandas with cortinas for beginners and slightly advanced dancers to practice. The Practicas take place every first Monday of the month. We show a small exercise and give tips. No lessons. The focus is on practicing. The Practica will be offered by Libertad and Robert.

Simone and Robert


Our workshops are aimed at anyone who wants to familiarise themselves with the topics for the first time, not those already experienced in the techniques. We show the basics. The workshops will take place on Saturdays from 4 to 6 p.m.:

New workshops in preparation.

If you are interested in tango workshops, please enquire at:


For beginners: We offer you a free introductory session by appointment. This is also possible on Wednesdays from 7 pm. You can then stay for the tango evening and practice your first experiences. Please contact us beforehand (tangoabend@fraktalwerk.de) and arrange an appoinment.

What we offer

In our lessons, courses and workshops for beginners we teach Tango Argentino. From the invitation (cabeceo) and the embrace to navigating the piste at milongas – we show you the basics of traditional Tango Salon.

This includes changing weight for relaxed walking, parallel and cross system, ochos and light embellishments and variations of the basic step – so that you can improvise with these elements. With more advanced dancers, we practise the turn system and dancing in small spaces for well-attended milongas. In our open practicas there is the opportunity to practise what you have learnt – but all beginners and slightly advanced dancers who simply want to practise are invited to do so.

We also offer role changes to help you understand each other better. You can also start without a partner!

A free introductory lesson is possible, please only on request and with advance booking.

Lessons: 20 euros per person and hour. Ten-person card (valid for four months): 180 euros, with registration and bank transfer in advance. Details in the free introductory lesson.

Practicas (two hours): 5 euros per person.

Workshops (two hours): 40 euros per person

Questions? Feel free to call us: Tel. 0177 818 00 94 or 0177 256 75 98.

Registration: tangoabend@fraktalwerk.de

Tango at Fraktalwerk

Our tango evening is part of our project space activities at Fraktalwerk. For us, tango is a wonderful opportunity for new experiences. We also see our art projects as invitations to create new and interesting play spaces together. We are interested in diversity – and the people who make it possible.

More tango in the Stadtteilzentrum Pankow:

If you want to practise what you have learned in our classes, there is also a nice opportunity to do so in the district centre: On two Sundays a month, Panke-Tango Berlin e.V. invites you to dance and practise in the afternoons from 4 to 7 pm. Dates and current information can be found at https://www.panketango.de