Angelus Suspensus

alt="Angelus Suspensus. Essays über die Geduld der Engel">

A new series begins on Entangelments: “Angelus Suspensus. Essays on the patience of angels”.

The new series also finds a new format: these essays are dialogues, written conversations between two or more people. διά-λογος (diá-logos) loosely translated as the “flow of words”, διά (diá) takes place between λόγος (lógos) word, between speech.

In Between. Points of view are not fixed in writing, not thesis and antithesis are set. One person opens the future text space (room), writes – and invites. Another person accepts the invitation, writes into the text, approaches the text. How long this dialogue will last depends on the people involved and the respective topic. 

Robert Krokowski and Tom Sojer have made a start with their text “The Angel of History in Hohenems” – – and in a wide arc combined the Angel of History by Gunther Blenke with the Angelus Novus by Paul Klee, the IX thesis of Walter Benjamin’s Theses of History. The trail goes as far as the Basilica of San Giorgio Maggiore and the City of Refuge III by the Belgian artist Berlinde de Bruyckere. 

And, as is the case with openings, much is alluded to (hinted at), but not completed …

We are curious about what will happen next. Which topics will be chosen, which people will come together in dialogue? Will it be possible to keep the balance of the in-between – or will this delicate balance tip over?