Artist’s Book with Lotus Fold

alt="Fraktalwerk-Workshop artist's book with  Lotus Fold">

Lotus shape
In many cultures, the lotus symbolises enlightenment, purity, loyalty and rebirth, but also creative power. In Buddhism, it is one of the eight treasures or symbols of good luck. However, lotus blossoms are not only found in spirituality – their shape plays a major role in Asian art and architecture. A particularly beautiful example is the lotus temple in New Delhi/India.

Workshop (no previous knowledge required; languages: German and English)
The eccentric and beautiful lotus fold is ideal for an artist’s book. While in a conventional book page follows page, this one opens in such a way that there is no next page. You can move from one section to the next – and design each of these sections individually. Its “three-dimensionality” makes it more of an object than a conventional book. Even if you try to spread it out flat, it doesn’t really work. This is unusual and amusing.

A further development is the meandering Lotus Fold: the sections meander/wind in three directions and yet are still protected between two book spines.

The aim of the workshop is to create a beautiful handmade artist’s book measuring 11 x 11 cm (closed), with 3 sheets of 20 x 20 cm each, which you can use for sketching, drawing, illustrating, painting and much more.

We will create an artist’s book with lotus folding so that you can take your finished book home with you.

What else:
If you would like to use existing materials, please bring them with you in printed form to match the format of the book (portrait or landscape format). Of course, you can also cut collages from larger pieces of paper and put them together. Together we will then find out which form of leporello best suits your material.

29.06.2024, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Marlen Wagner
Florastrasse 4
13187 Berlin

How much:
50 Euro + 5 Euro Material fee
The workshop will take place with a minimum of 3 participants.

Please register bindingly via e-mail

More Fraktalwerk Workshops with Marlen Wagner
Artist’s book with Leporello shape 
Artist’s books with Lotus Fold
Suminagashi. The Japanese Art of marbling paper