Im Gespräch mit Marlen Wagner

In her photographic art, Marlen Wagner finds a way to combine her passion for dance and her fascination for movement swings and lines.

Lateritour I Portmanteau Word as Messages in a Bottle

Robert Krokowski jokingly refers to his installations with brick fragments and erosion forms made of fired red clay as Lateritour. “Lateritour” is itself a portmanteau word and at the same time a paragram and an anagram.

lateritour – in exposed position

In Robert Krokowskis Landart-Installationen der Serie in exposed position finden sich wechselnde Ziegel-Schichtungen, in denen die roten Ziegelfragmente in den Horizont der See gestellt werden.

Über Umwege zum Wasser

Ulrike Warmuth nimmt uns mit auf eine Reise, an deren Ende sich zeigt: Ein Ziel kann oft nur über Umwege erreicht werden – ein interaktives eBook …

The Secret of Tango

Tango and tango dancing also pose the question of a secret that belongs not only to the tango itself but also to the dancers. But it only reveals itself if you keep on dancing. And “tango. let me into your secret” invites you to do just that.

in motion I Photographs of a moment I Marlen Wagner

The hunt for the perfect moment ends with the death of the hunter, not with that of the prey. But is it about hunting the moment – or about experiencing it and only becoming aware of it in its transience?